Monday, September 29, 2008

Ava's Nana

I found out today that after a three and a half year wait, I have a new daughter, born in the Hunan province of China. I wish my mother were here to share my joy. No one loved holding a baby like my mother. When my daughter, Leah, was born nearly twelve years ago, I had to beg my mother to let other people hold her; she was so in love with her.

1 comment:

Christine said...


I came across your blog while looking at your beautiful new daughter. Congratulations!!

I want to tell you that I too lost my Mom. 15 months ago. I will never be the same. I also have a blog for her that I write my feelings in. You are more than welcome to view it.

Also, My husband and I are adopting from China. We are LID 6/2/06.

Well, Congrats on your new baby girl and hang in there it does get better but you will ALWAYS miss her.

Take Care,